Saturday, January 24, 2009

Social Presence and Online Learning

Having earned two degrees via an online distance learning program and spending the last two plus years in graduate study concerning instructional technology, I am somewhat of a proponent for web-based or computer-based learning. Recently I have become quite intrigued with the social presence that is involved in online learning and the communities that develop. I am working an a research project concerning this in my IT577 class and so far the literature that I am finding on this subject is fascinating.

Thursday night in this class (IT695) we discussed the social communities that develop in online situations. We also discussed online learning versus face-to-face education and some of the concerns with online educations. However, we did not specifically discuss the effects of having a social presence that fosters community and relationship building in online education. The current literature seems to indicate that a higher level of social presence leads to more a more satisfying online learning experience by removing feelings of isolation.

Has anyone had experience with this as a student or instructor? Or have you looked at any research on this topic?

Also, check out this neat study concerning Text Messaging to Improve Social Presence in Online Learning. I had never heard of or thought of this approach in online learning, however text messaging was used in a new effective way in the past U.S. Presidential election so maybe it is a new medium to try. People of all ages text these days, but anyone with teenagers or are around college age students know that their fingers are constantly keying on a cell phone. Therefore, this may become the most effective method of communication. Maybe soon we will have cell phone-based distance education that involves podcasting for lectures and text messaging for discussions. So that with Internet accessibility (thus able to view web-based materials and email) on the cell phone the entire course can be delivered and completed via cell phone. Hmmmmm....just a thought...wait, here is a 2004 study concerning distance learning with cell phones and news in 2008 about Community-College System Offers Distance Education by Cellphone.

Any thoughts?

Go to my blog on Social Presence in Online Learning


  1. I have to say that social presence is important to me in the classes that I've taken where we do have an online component. I especially enjoy forums and reading comments back and forth. I am not especially concerned myself with isolation. I don't really think that it actually has much to do with learning (at least my own). In fact, I think a little more isolation and self-study might be a great solution to the declining grades and scores of today.

    Now I've also thought about text messaging but more from the negative point. I am certainly a digital immigrant at best in that realm. My reasons for NOT liking it (again speaking personally), are 1) cost, 2) ease of use (to me, my fingers are just too clumsy to punch the little keys, I don't even like laptops much for that reason), 3) why use them when u can talk? IOW, I just don't get it.

    Also, there is the assumption in all of the learning theory that social interaction is "necessary" according to Vygotsky for learning to occur. I remain an extreme skeptic of that theory and would state that it is at best unproven.

    Finally I noticed that in the study mentioned some of my reticence was mentioned by students as well, IOW, not all was rosy: (I will only repeat the less positive comments from the study)

    1.What did you think when you found this course would be incorporating text messaging as a communication device?

    "I do not own a cell phone."

    "I thought it was OK."

    "Not used that often, didn't like it."
    "Needed to add additional option to phone."
    "Worried over cost."
    "How is that going to work?"

    "Wasn't sure the value of it."

    "I didn't know what to expect."

    2.Please make additional positive or negative comments about the course, technology, or communication process.

    "I don't mind it, but I don't think it is necessary."

    "Text messaging takes much longer to use and it was not used that much."

    With question 1, about 50% of the comments were not positive. With question 2 probably 90% of the comments listed were positive.

    So, to me this pilot study showed very mixed results at best.

  2. Thanks for the feedback, would you be willing to go to my "Social Presence in Online Learning" blog concerning your views on the subject? Even if you only post a copy of your first paragraph that would be cool.

    You make some excellent points concerning text messaging and cell phones. Even as a technology person, I am not too big on text messaging and do not spend much time on the cell phone in general. However, my kids "talk" more with their fingers than their voices. It drives me mad at times, but I have to admit that it is somewhat impressive to watch their fingers fly.
